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Food Safety
for service technicians.


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The maintenance technician / technical service employee plays an important role in the food safety of a food company.

When machines need to be maintained and repaired, it is not only important that this is done as quickly as possible, but of course also that the work is (food) safe. By working neatly and cleanly and by paying close attention to contamination risks, a company's food safety is not compromised. It is therefore important for a maintenance technician to follow the food safety rules in a company, to work neatly and cleanly and to communicate well about the work to be performed.

In the e-learning, you will learn how to perform food-safe maintenance work. By checking and repairing various machines, you will take the right steps to work neatly and cleanly, work safely and communicate well about your work.

Required prior knowledge for the training is our e-learning course "Food Safety (HACCP).

Target audience

The online training is suitable for both internal technical staff and external contractors working in the food industry.


In this course you will learn:

  • What is the importance of working neatly and cleanly and the risks of contamination;
  • What personal protective equipment is used in certain work activities;
  • How to be customer-focused;
  • What is the importance of hygienic design;
  • What are the contamination risks from equipment and buildings;
  • What to look out for when cleaning the inside and outside of machines.


  • The importance of good personal hygiene;
  • Neat and clean work;
  • Personal Protective Equipment;
  • Key points of focus in communication;
  • Working safely through LOTOTO;
  • The importance and classification of food grade lubricants;
  • The importance of a food-safe weld;
  • The balance between time pressure and safety;
  • Review*

* Upon successful completion of the test, the student will receive a certificate


Education level LBO/VMBO/MBO
Duration 60 minutes
Certificate Yes
Price €55 excluding VAT

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