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E-weighting is weighing according to the average weighing principle. You can recognize this by the ℮ sign on the packaging. Many companies in the food and non-food industry use this.

As an operator, you often just follow the procedure and may not know exactly how e-weighing works and what rules underlie it. What exactly is e-weighing, how does it work, which class of products are there, what is the T1 and T2 limit, how do you calculate the tare, how do you keep an eye on the average weight during production and what should you do in case of deviations. These are the questions that will be answered in this training. You will learn more about the background of the average weighing principle, the legislation and you will better understand the procedures around e-weighing. This helps you to do your job better.

You can take this e-learning module without prior knowledge or training.

Target audience

The online training is suitable for employees in food and non-food companies who want to have more knowledge about e-weighing and the mean weighing principle. You can take this training without prior knowledge!


After attending this training you know what the e-sign stands for, how this weighing principle works and what to do in case of deviations. So you learn more about the background of the average weighing principle, the legislation and you better understand the procedures around e-weighing. This helps you to do your job better.


  • What the e-sign means.
  • To which products e-weighting applies.
  • What product classes there are.
  • What is the T1 limit is and how to calculate it.
  • What is the T2 limit is and how to calculate it.
  • How to calculate the tare.
  • What to do if there is an abnormality in weighing.
  • What the blocking and recovery procedure is.
  • Final test*

*After successful completion of the training the student will receive a certificate.


Education level MBO/HBO
Duration 30 minutes
Certificate Yes
Price €25 excluding VAT

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