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E-learning trends for 2019

The e-learning landscape is constantly changing. New technological developments are leading to more and more experimentation. What do we expect for 2019?

Augmented Reality

Dimitri: Augmented Reality is an emerging technological innovation in which a virtual layer can be projected over physical reality through mobile, context-dependent devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Hazard recognition, object- and situation-based information and audiovisual support can greatly enrich the e-learning experience in this way. For example, with an AR application, a user can study his immediate surroundings via the smartphone camera, showing current, detailed information about nearby objects or work situations. All the educational benefits of Virtual Reality without having to have expensive hardware, for a fraction of the development cost!


George: I think LTI is going to become much more the standard in 2019. More and more training will be hosted, maintained and broadcast to other systems in one central location so that anyone with compatible systems can always show the best training to their trainees without worry.

Mobile apps

Deborah: It's now impossible to imagine the smartphone out of your hand. The design of online courses is increasingly geared towards learning from a smaller screen, be it a tablet or a smartphone. Through an app, an e-learning is easily available at any time and place. In 2019, the smartphone will not yet take over the computer, in terms of taking e-learning, but I do expect another big step in this development this year.

Personalized learning

Heike: Learning only what you need or want to learn. That motivates and is efficient. I'm talking about personalized learning. In recent years we have been hearing more and more about this. I hope that in 2019 the e-learning world takes even more steps in the development of adaptive learning solutions, learning solutions in which the learner's knowledge level determines what the learner is offered. Indeed, the development of adaptive learning solutions increases the possibilities for personalized learning.

Gaming and learning

Jesse: I think the difference between learning and gaming is getting smaller and smaller. Sure, you can add gamification to an e-learning module, but what if you turn it around? You make a fun game and get assignments in between that teach you something. Because you have more fun, I would also expect you to learn better, and didn't you do something wrong? Then why not redo a level to learn more again!

Hybrid learning

Bart: You could say that hybrid learning is an easy catch-all term for "anything and everything and from anywhere"-learning. But I am convinced that in both classroom and online learning it is becoming increasingly important to merge content in different forms from different sources into a coherent whole. Employees themselves are also increasingly able to gain knowledge from different sources. A good example: I installed a kitchen in recent weeks. Never done that before. With reading the manual, watching YouTube and finally doing it together with an experienced cabinetmaker, my father, "on the shop floor," it worked out more than fine. So wouldn't employees be able and willing to do the same at work... Find and compile information the moment you get stuck and if you can't find it in one place, then look further on the next. Privately, we probably don't do anything else and it's the most normal thing in the world. At work, we are often guided by what is presented to us by the organization. I'm curious ... can we also let employees choose where they get their information and then ask them to show or demonstrate the knowledge they have gained?

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