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Safety testing.

The manufacturer or importer is responsible for proving that the goods comply with the Toy Safety Directive. If you market toys without any safety assessment, you are in violation. You are required to perform the safety tests to show how you take your responsibility.

Meeting safety requirements.

To demonstrate that toys meet the essential safety requirements, use the relevant European harmonized standards.

Another possibility is to have the toy undergo an EC type examination. In this way you demonstrate that the products you market comply with the Toy Directive. This will prevent product recalls.

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What can we help our clients with?

  • Comprehensive team of professionals with knowledge and experience of toy laws and regulations.
  • Experience working with several large non-food retailers and toy companies.
  • Transforming laws and regulations into pragmatic advice.
  • Business SMART consulting.
  • Sparring partner.
  • Active membership in the standards committee which allows us to be the first to know about changes in standards.
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Need help with safe & fair products?

Our professionals will be happy to help you!