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Supplier Management

Your suppliers play an important role in the quality and food safety of your finished product. Therefore, it is important to control and review information and data from these suppliers.

In Quasydoc you decide for yourself what you want to assess your suppliers on. For each subject you can indicate who should give an assessment, for example the quality manager or the buyer.

You have insight into the complaints reported to this vendor at the click of a button, so you can factor the number of complaints into your review.

You experience the same convenience when managing supplier information. Quasydoc signals when the expiration date of a certificate is approaching, after which you can immediately send a request for new information to the supplier via Quasydoc. Through secure access, the supplier can then upload the latest information, such as certificates and questionnaires, themselves. Quasydoc automatically creates a cross table in which you can find the status of the various certificates per supplier.

The benefits of the supplier management module.

  • Automatic reminder when supplier information expires.
  • Suppliers can upload their own information or documents into the system.
  • Simple vendor assessment based on complaints and issues identified by you.
  • For each topic in the supplier assessment, determine the employee responsible.
  • Cross tabulation of certificates by vendor.
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Frequently asked questions.

Will I be reminded when I need to do a vendor assessment?

Quasydoc offers the option to send a reminder email to the person performing the supplier assessment. This ensures that you are always up to date with the assessment of your suppliers.

Is it possible to review some vendors more frequently than others?

Based on an assessment, it is possible to assess certain suppliers more frequently or less frequently. This makes it possible to assess suppliers that perform less well more frequently, for example, than suppliers with whom there are no problems.

What product certificates can I request from the supplier?

There is a long list of possible certificates in Quasydoc. You indicate which certificates you want to accept and then the vendor can upload them.

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