To monitor the hygienic conditions of production, microbiological and chemical tests are performed. Some you perform yourself, others you outsource. In both cases, the analyses module is very useful.
You create an analysis plan in Quasydoc, where for each analysis or check the frequency can be defined and who is responsible for the execution. Then the relevant employee receives a reminder e-mail, so that the analysis is carried out on schedule. You simply enter the results of the analyses and Quasydoc immediately shows whether the results are within the set limits. To assess the results over a longer period, Quasydoc offers the possibility to perform trend analyses.
Are you working with an external laboratory? Then the laboratory can automatically exchange the results with Quasydoc and the entered results can be compared with the established standards.
Analysis module benefits.
- Automatic reminders from the analysis plan.
- Instant alert when analysis results do not meet the set limits.
- Let laboratories upload their own analysis results into Quasydoc.
- Possibility of trend analysis of stored analysis results.

The other modules in Quasydoc.

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