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The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has launched its eighth major enforcement project. Within this project, companies selling products online on the European market will be checked for compliance with their obligations under the REACH, CLPand biocide regulations. 29 European member states will participate in this project. Do you have everything in order?
The Forum for the Exchange of Enforcement Information (the Forum) consists of a network of enforcement agencies from several European member states. These bodies are responsible for enforcement of the REACH, CLP, PIC and biocide regulations in the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
The Forum determines its own work program, based on the tasks set out in European regulations. The Forum coordinates several enforcement projects. These projects are designed to harmonize enforcement in member states, check current levels of compliance and strengthen cooperation between national enforcement agencies.
The inspections within enforcement projects (REF projects) of the Forum are carried out by inspectors from the national authorities in the participating Member States. The results of these inspections are collected by ECHA and the Forum, after which the findings are recorded in a final report. The goal of such projects is to improve the quality of enforcement in member states, as well as compliance by companies.
The eighth REF project was launched in January 2020. This project focuses on compliance with European REACH, CLP and biocide regulations by companies selling substances, mixtures and articles online. The focus within this project is on products offered to the general public and professionals, available in webshops of private companies and on market platforms such as Amazon and eBay.
In addition to monitoring compliance with legal requirements, the aim of this project is also to increase companies' awareness of their legal obligations regarding the online sale of substances, mixtures and products.
Inspectors in the various member states check that products sold online comply with the legal requirements of the REACH, CLP and Biocide Regulations. Which requirements these are depends on the type of product. For example, items such as toys and textiles are checked for the presence of substances that are only allowed to a limited extent according to Annex XVII of the REACH regulation.
In the case of chemical substances or mixtures, we will consider whether consumers are adequately informed of the potential hazards.
Inspectors therefore check product information and advertisements online, but can also purchase products for subsequent analysis. In addition, inspectors can visit companies for on-site inspections if they deem it necessary. It is therefore important that you check that your products meet the relevant legal requirements before offering them online.
Do you sell consumer products online? Then make sure you have checked that these products are in compliance with the provisions of the European REACH regulation.
Do you sell chemical substances or mixtures, such as detergents and air fresheners, online? Then make sure these products are labeled according to the European CLP regulation and that the hazard information for these products is also available to consumers online.
Do you sell products online and are not sure you have met all your legal obligations? Précon Quality Services can help you with this. Feel free to contact us at +31 (0)30 - 65 66 010 or info@precongroup.com.
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