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Personal Protective Equipment: end of transition period approaching!

It has been almost one year since European Regulation 2016/425 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) entered into force. This means that the end of the transition period is approaching: from April 21, 2019, it will no longer be permitted to certify new products using the old Directive 89/686/EEC. Personal Protective Equipment placed on the market must comply with the new Regulation from then on. Existing certificates issued in accordance with the Directive, are valid until April 21, 2023. However, this is not the case if one of the exceptions applies to the product.

Designated under another category

PPE is classified in the legislation into three different categories: I, II and III. Hearing protection and life jackets fell under category II in the old Directive. In the new Regulation, these products are classified as category III. Are you an importer or manufacturer of any of these products? If so, be aware that the Regulation includes additional requirements.

Adjustment in the product

A category II and III product that complies with the Regulation is certified with an EU type approval certificate. If the product is modified, then a new type examination must take place. Upon successful completion, a new EU Type Examination Certificate is issued. A certificate has a maximum validity period of five years.

Renewed standards

To demonstrate presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the Regulation, you must use harmonized product safety standards. If no harmonized product safety standards are available, you can use relevant non-harmonized standards to demonstrate that your product complies with the essential safety requirements. Simultaneously with the entry into force of the new Regulation, several relevant product safety standards have been amended. It is important that you are aware of the content of the new versions of these standards. This way you will know what requirements your PPE must meet in order to be placed on the European market.

You can find the harmonized standards under the Regulation on this page from the European Commission. Do you have a PPE for which no harmonized standard is available? We will be happy to help you find the appropriate standard(s) to meet the essential requirements of the Regulation.

Need support?

Do you doubt whether your PPE needs a new EU Type Examination Certificate? Do you want to know which legal requirements apply to your PPE? Contact us at +31 (0)30 - 65 66 010 or info@precongroup.com.

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