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New European energy labeling legislation for light sources (lamps) went into effect Sept. 1. The old energy efficiency scale from A+++ to G has been changed to a stricter but simplified scale. A QR code has also been added to the energy label.
With the development of more and more energy-efficient lamps, the classes above A (A+, A++ and A+++) have become saturated. To make the classification more clear, stricter energy efficiency requirements have been established and the scale has been simplified to A to G. The stricter requirements will cause lamps to regress in their energy class. For example, a lamp that previously scored A+ could now end up at F. The new requirements are set out in the updated legislation for energy labeling and eco-design, namely Regulation (EU) 2019/2015 and Regulation (EU) 2019/2020.
In addition to the modified scale, a QR code has also been added to the energy label. This allows consumers to access public information about the product in the European Product Database for Energy Labeling (EPREL). Since Jan. 1, 2019, suppliers must register appliances that require an energy label in EPREL before they can be sold on the European market. Lamps still registered according to the old requirements must be re-entered according to the new requirements.
Lamps first sold in a store starting Sept. 1, 2021, must be immediately labeled with the new energy label. In addition, the product data sheet must be made available to selling retailers. Lamps already traded in a store before September 1 of this year may be sold with the old energy label until February 28, 2023.
In online shops, however, the energy labels must already be adjusted. Online retailers still have until September 21, 2021 to change this on the website. For online purchases, the product data sheet must also be made available to consumers.
Précon has a team of professionals with years of experience in establishing legal product safety requirements for multiple retailers and wholesale companies. We can support the preparation of the energy label, the registration of your products in EPREL and answer your questions about legislation and legal requirements. Contact us at +31 30 65 66 010 or info@precongroup.com.
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