Quality insurance at the highest level at Folat.
What is the trigger?
From its modern warehouse Folat serves more than 3,000 customers and retailers in Europe. Folat's Dutch quality assessment team ensures that the productions comply with both European and national legislation and customer-specific requirements. For this purpose Folat has developed per product category risk analyses, product compliance protocols and test and inspection programs.
Folat approached Précon with the request to assess these procedures as an external expert. With this assessment Folat wants to ensure that the developed quality standards are in line with the increasingly complex set of European legal requirements and national additions. This project is part of Folat's ambition to continuously professionalize the quality assurance process.
Validation quality standards.
Précon tested the current risk analyses, product compliance protocols and associated warning and safety texts step by step against the relevant laws, regulations and standards. For 60 product groups, Précon provided insight into whether and what additional national legislation exists in EU member states. Where relevant, these requirements have been included in the compliance protocol so that Folat can start serving these new markets. The project will be completed with an internal audit to identify any differences between the described quality assurance process and the daily practice of the process. With these findings, Folat can further optimize its quality assurance process.

About the company.
Folat is a leading manufacturer and importer of party products and among the top 3 companies in party supplies in Europe. Under Dutch management, purchasing and production in the Far East are managed locally. In this complex, international playing field, quality assurance at the highest level is essential for the commercial success of Folat and its customers. Exactly the reason why Gerrarda van 't Verlaat, Purchase & Design manager of Folat, approached the professionals of Précon.

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