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The additive annatto (E160b) may be used as a colorant in various foods (Regulation 1333/2008). The main pigments in annatto extracts are bixin and norbixin. Bixin and norbixin have different physicochemical properties and therefore different uses. Recently, EFSA reassessed the safety of annatto extracts. As a result, the labeling requirements for annatto are being amended.
In response to the safety assessment, the annatto extracts currently authorized may no longer be used. The safety of these extracts could not be established. On the other hand, the use of five new annatto extracts was found to be safe. Moreover, the safety assessment showed that bixin and norbixin contain different toxicological properties. As a result, different acceptable daily intakes for bixin and norbixin were also established. The newly authorized annatto extracts are classified on the basis of bixin or norbixin.
Given the different properties of bixin and norbixin, it is appropriate that the labeling requirements for annatto also be adjusted. Instead of 'annatto' or 'E160b', the ingredient declaration should specify which type is involved: the spelling in the list of ingredients will therefore be 'annatto bixin' or 'E160b(i)' or 'annatto norbixin' or 'E160b(ii)' after the entry of the category 'colorant'.
Foodstuffs containing the additive annatto may still be marketed in accordance with the old labeling requirements until January 2, 2021. After that date, these foods may remain on the market until stocks are exhausted.
Source : https://eur-lex.europa.eu
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