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According to current specifications, steviol glycosides (E 960) consist of at least 95% of eleven steviol glycosides listed in the specifications, in any combination and proportion. Rebaudioside M is a glycoside found in very low concentrations (<1%) in the stevia leaf. The specifications of E 960 are amended to include a new method for the production of rebaudioside M.
The new process involves the bioconversion of purified steviablade extract through a multistep enzymatic process. EFSA considers that the new production process may lead to impurities. Therefore, separate specifications for rebaudioside M produced by this process will be established and included in Regulation (EU) 231/2012. The current acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 4 mg/kg body weight per day remains applicable. The new food additive will be listed in Part B of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 as "E 960c enzymatically produced steviol glycosides". The name of "steviol glycosides (E 960)" is changed to "steviol glycosides from Stevia (E 960a)". Both food additives are included in a new group for steviol glycosides, namely "E 960a - E 960c: Steviol glycosides".
The food additive "steviol glycosides" (E 960) and foods containing it, labelled or placed on the market until 18 months after the entry into force of this Regulation and complying with the requirements of this Regulation, may be placed on the market until stocks are exhausted. This regulation is directly applicable in each Member State.
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