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Hazards controlled
with HACCP.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is mandatory for every company operating in the food industry. Every company is required to guarantee the food safety of the products it makes, processes, packages, stores, transports or trades. To do this, companies must comply with hygiene rules set forth in the Basic Conditions Program. A hazard and risk analysis must also be performed according to the HACCP method.

Legal requirement.

The application of HACCP is required by law according to the European Hygiene Regulation (Regulation 852/2004) and is based on the principles described in the Codex Alimentarius. Since the application of HACCP is complicated and time-consuming, the law allows companies to use a hygiene code.

The company then does not have to apply HACCP itself. Hygiene codes are available, for example, for the bread and pastry industry, the hospitality industry and for health care institutions. The NVWA and FAVV check whether companies have applied HACCP or the hygiene code and also on compliance throughout the company.


In addition to inspections, companies are assessed for food safety through certification. There are several standards for certification, such as BRCGS (Brand Reputation through Compliance Global Standard), IFS (International Food Standard) and FSSC (Food Safety System Certification). In terms of content, the differences in these standards are not very large, but BRCGS and IFS are primarily intended for producers of consumer products. FSSC is also suitable for companies that process agricultural products into raw materials for food preparation.
Certification is not required by law, but is a general requirement for professional food companies.

You can contact Précon with any questions about food safety, legislation and certification, HACCP and hygiene regulations.

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Our approach.

We provide support in applying hygiene regulations and HACCP. We have extensive knowledge of legislation and hazards and map out which legislation and which hazards are important for your company. Based on that inventory, we make a hazard analysis and draw up an HACCP plan.

HACCP course & food safety curriculum

We also have an extensive range of courses in this area with four different levels. For starting employees in production, for the HACCP team and for strategic functions in which, for example, the purchasing policy or quality policy is determined. For every function and every level there is a suitable course to get and keep food safety at top level within your organization.
View our complete learning line here.

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Frequently asked questions.

What does HACCP stand for?

HACCP is an abbreviation for "Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points. HACCP is a method that aims to control food safety. The method is based on 7 basic principles described in the Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of standards for food products managed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agricultural Organization. Applying HACCP is a legal requirement for all food companies in the European Union. EU legislation is largely based on the standards in the Codex Alimentarius.

What is HACCP?

HACCP is a method used within a company to think about the harmful substances that could possibly end up in the products. These harmful substances are called hazards. In the hazard analysis of HACCP, the risks that these hazards pose to consumer health are estimated. Measures are then taken to reduce the risks. The entire package of measures and associated controls is referred to as the HACCP plan.

What are the 7 principles of HACCP?

The 7 basic principles of HACCP:
1. Inventory all potential hazards and identify signifcant hazards. Identify the measures needed to control the hazard.
2. Identify critical control points (CCPs).
3. Identify the critical limits for each CCP.
4. Establish how a CCP's critical limits will be monitored.
5. Record corrective actions per CCP.
6. Apply verification.
7. Maintain documentation and records.

Is it mandatory for a company to be certified?

Applying HACCP is a legal requirement, however certification of a company is not mandatory.

The obligation to apply HACCP is included in European legislation and applies to any company that produces, processes, distributes or trades. Certification is not mandatory but is required by buyers of products. In practice, almost all companies are certified, including service providers, such as transport companies and trading companies. We then say that the certificate serves as a "license to operate."

Which organization oversees the HACCP rules?

In the Netherlands, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) and in Belgium the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FAVV) oversee compliance with regulations surrounding safe food production, distribution and sale.

For which sectors does Précon have food safety training (HACCP) ?

Précon offers food safety training (HACCP) courses developed specifically for various industries:

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