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New: Starting quality manager training

Being a quality manager in the food industry doesn't just happen. It is a complex position in which you must use knowledge of the product, process and behavior to ensure, in everyday practice, that the quality and food safety of the product is guaranteed. This requires knowledge of the risks, understanding legislation and quality systems, experience with the processes and equipment, knowledge of the products and their ingredients. And knowing how to work with people.

How do you reconcile the requirements of the quality system with daily practice on the shop floor? How do you guarantee the safety of the product in the chain? How can you continuously improve your business processes? To get this done on the shop floor, you need knowledge, skills and abilities. Would you like to develop these competencies to become a good quality manager? Then the Starting Quality Manager course is a good start.

Want to know more?

If so, contact us at learning@precongroup.com or view the Starting Quality Manager training page .

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