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Companies getting started with the CSRD and sustainability

More and more clients are asking us for information or advice on their obligations regarding the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This new EU Directive requires large companies to prepare a sustainability report and have it approved (with the financial statements) by their auditors.

CSRD Preparations

We have noticed that this obligation has already stirred up a lot of tension among our clients. Even though many companies will not have to report until 2026, they rightly see the importance of starting preparations in time, given the amount of work involved. Many questions come up, such as:

  • By what method should the so-called dual materiality analysis be performed?
  • Can we assume that we end up with three to four material issues?
  • How far down the chain should our analysis extend?

Rightful questions, which we are happy to discuss.

Sustainable Ambition

For us, one of the most fascinating questions of recent times has been: how can we meet CSRD obligations in a practical way, with the least amount of effort? Without further context, this question might give the impression that those clients see the CSRD purely as a compliance obligation and have little interest in sustainability. But nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, these clients had already gathered the necessary insights and made strides on various sustainability topics. Their ambition is to now, with support from Précon, explore the themes in greater depth, identify spearheads and implement these in their business operations. They want to work further, but not because the CSRD tells them to. Of course we will not lose sight of the reporting requirements in such a project, but the ambitions, challenges and opportunities of the company on the topic of sustainability will be leading.

Want to know more about CSRD?

View the sustainability page or contact us at info@precongroup.com or +31 30 65 66 010.

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