Online onboarding at Précon.
What is the trigger?
Breaking in new colleagues can be a time-consuming task for existing employees. Not only does the new employee need to be introduced to the company, but they also need to be introduced to other employees and learn standard procedures within a short period of time. With a solid induction period, you hope that new colleagues can quickly find their way around the company and know the organization enough to get started.
Getting to know organization.
All those new impressions are quite spicy for new employees. After all, it takes some time to get to know an organization. Moreover, you want employees to get to know more parts of the company than just the department where they are going to work. We ran into this problem at Précon as well. Our organizational model consists of "worlds": QA, RA, food, non-food, learning and sustainability. How do you introduce new employees to the entire organization, including the worlds in which you yourself are not directly employed?
Welcome to Précon
For our own organization, we have therefore developed an online familiarisation module "Welcome to Précon". Step by step, new colleagues learn more about each part of our organizational model. This way they don't get too much information at once and still get to know all facets of the company. Moreover, all the information can be reviewed later.
"Really great training for entry-level colleagues! You clearly get what they are doing in the other worlds. Super made!"
Very clear and informative. The organizational structure is a lot clearer to me now!
With interactive questions and graphics, new employees get to know Précon. The services of the worlds are covered, as well as the organizational model, roles, forms of consultation and a map of the office. Who can you go to for what and how is your personal guidance arranged? Even before their first working day, new colleagues are given access to the online module so that they can get acquainted. Moreover, the colleagues who are inducting them can easily refer to the information from the familiarisation module.
We develop this solution not only for ourselves, but also for clients. An onboarding module completely tailored to your company. This allows new employees to get to know your company before their first day at work. This way you make onboarding easy and fun for everyone!

About the company.
Précon Consulting Group B.V. employs forward-thinking professionals who work day in and day out to support clients on a variety of issues related to achieving safe and fair products. We do not limit ourselves to a specific sector, country or continent, but set our boundaries based on knowledge and expertise in food, non-food, governance and learning. The result is sustainable customization, with which the client makes the difference.

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