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Food Contact Materials at NVWA.

What is the trigger?

NVWA was looking for a good course on food contact materials for its product safety inspectors. During the course, participants interactively dealt with the Dutch and European legislation on migration of unwanted chemicals.

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A training with spirited teaching.

The customized interactive training lasted three days. Senior consultant and trainer Marco Bakker talks about the first day: "It turned out to be a tough day for the participants. Besides the kinetic and thermodynamic factors affecting the process of chemical migration, we also covered the three, in this context, most important European regulations. A lot of legal text, in other words." By alternating short explanations with an exercise, it became manageable. And verifiable for the trainer whether the content was actually understood.

"In particular, converting to the actual ratio of the contact area to the volume of the foodstuff turned out to be more complicated for the inspectors than I had estimated. We anticipated this by practicing this material again at the beginning of the second course day."

"My goal was to make a translation from theory to inspector practice. I therefore worked a lot with simulation exercises."
- Marco Bakker, Trainer Précon Consulting Group B.V.

During the second part of the training, the essential legal requirements applicable in the Netherlands for plastics, glass, ceramics, metal, wood and paper were discussed in more detail per material type. Additional safety requirements for specific product groups such as tea glasses, whistling kettles and pans were also discussed. We practiced looking up relevant information in the legal text, as well as identifying safety hazards of specific products.

In addition, trainees practiced reviewing technical documentation, such as test reports and declaration of conformity. Also covered were requirements related to labeling of consumer goods. Not only mandatory traceability information, but also about common claims and how they should be substantiated. The training concluded with the administration of a test.

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About the company.

The NVWA oversees the safety of food and consumer products, animal welfare and protection of nature.

It seems so obvious. That food in the Netherlands is safe and that we can use products safely. That animals and nature are treated with care. We can rely on that, because there are laws that companies must abide by. Usually things go well, but not always. That is why the NVWA is there as supervisor.

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