Bangladesh Food Safety Course.
What is the trigger?
To best train MSc Food Safety students at Bangladesh University, Précon was asked to develop a food safety course for them. This course is taught by university lecturers. After an intake and the development of the course by Précon, the colleagues involved left for a visit to Bangladesh.
Evaluate and optimize.
During this visit, the consultants reviewed the course with all participants and teachers. Final changes could be made and applied immediately.
Fourteen (!) topics in five days. From inspection methods and risk-based inspections to the specific concerns of product groups, such as meat, dairy and processed products. Précon's consultants have taught a number of courses themselves to get a good experience of how the material is transferred to the participants. The course clearly provides useful tools for future MSc Food Safety graduates at BAU and SAU. The participants had never experienced such an interactive training before and were very enthusiastic. The evaluation provided useful information for our consultants to further tailor the training to the daily practice of inspectors in Bangladesh. Eventually, more than 700 inspectors in all parts of Bangladesh will receive this course!
Précon will continue to be involved in the future and will continue to support the consultants in keeping the professional short courses on food safety up to date.

About the company.
The Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) offer various agragic programs in Bangladesh. Students can obtain their master's degree in Food Safety here. Both Précon and Wageningen University (WUR) are partners with BAU and SAU for the master's program on food safety.

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